Chemotherapy Treatment

After my five and a half weeks of recovering from daily radiation and chemotherapy, I started a new regime in which I took a higher dose of chemotherapy pills for five days every four weeks. This meant that I had some energy for three weeks every month after recovering from the effects of chemotherapy. Half a week prior to every cycle of chemotherapy I did some blood work, then met with my doctor at Cancer Care at Health Sciences Centre. An MRI was scheduled to take place every three months.

I met with my doctor and a nurse practitioner every month with the first meeting taking place November 24, 2017. My first cycle of chemotherapy started on Wednesday, November 29, 2017. Prior to starting chemotherapy, I was informed that my liver enzymes were elevated. I was sent for more blood tests which showed a decrease in liver enzymes which I was very grateful for. As a result, I was told to start my chemotherapy at half the dose. So that is what I did. I started my routine of taking chemo pills the first five days every month.

I really enjoyed Christmas with my family since my second round of chemotherapy started on December 29, 2017. My third month of chemo treatment took place January 24, 2018. I was able to take a full dose of chemo pills both of these months. Taking these pills made me feel very tired. I slept a lot. Once the five days of treatment were over it took me a few days to start feeling better. I then enjoyed spending time with family and friends. I never felt sick – just a little tired.

On February 8, 2018, I had a 4:45 a.m. MRI at Health Sciences Centre. When I met my doctor February 16, 2018, I was expecting to have the same discussion about monthly chemo treatments. I was shocked when my doctor told me that my latest MRI showed that I had another brain tumour. This cancelled my February chemotherapy treatment. My next step was having a conversation with a surgeon to discuss my next surgery.  

I received a beautiful wig from a family member.
I lost a lot of hair due to chemotherapy and radiation. 

Had fun Christmas morning - 
my grandson Finn and daughter-in-law Missy. 
 Christmas with my mom and dad.
My mom and me at Christmas.

Over the Christmas holidays I received a beautiful personalized blanket
from Interlake School Division administrators. Every school provided
a personal square for this blanket. I was very touched.

 Went for a walk with my friend Teri at Birds Hill Park.
Had fun!

 My mom helped me put on my new wig.
 I was touched when I saw my parents holding
hands during an afternoon nap.
My sister Bev and I spend a lot of time together. 
 Bev and I went shopping at Polo Park - it was a mild day
so I just threw on a scarf and ran in.   


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