Brain Cancer Surgery - Five Weeks of Recovery

Throughout the five weeks after my surgery I had the opportunity to spend time with family and friends, and to go for daily walks. I received many emails and was excited to get lots of visitors in my home. I regularly went to see my parents. My parents don’t drive anymore so I always got a ride to go see them since my driver’s license was taken away on the day I was diagnosed with a brain tumour. My husband and my sister Bev are my wonderful drivers.  

Throughout the month of August, and the September long weekend, I was able to spend some time at our cottage. For the first time in my life I had to make some major changes. I slept every afternoon and I was no longer able to sit in the sunshine without a hat on my head and multiple layers of sunscreen. A week after my surgery my 36 staples on my head were taken out. This type of surgery made it crucial for me to wear a hat in the sunshine. I had never in my life ever worn a big hat so I was grateful to have received one from a very special friend.

Towards the end of August I had my first appointment with Cancer Care. My husband and my sister Bev (an amazing nurse) took me to the Health Sciences Centre (HSC) where I met nurses and doctors who would look after me when I would start my six weeks of chemotherapy and radiation. After my five weeks of recovery I was feeling pretty good and was ready to move forward.
As soon as I got out of the hospital I went to see my mom and dad.
It was wonderful to see them.
 As soon as I got out of the hospital I went for a walk almost every day. 
I now wear a hat every time I go outside. 
 I enjoyed spending some time at our cottage. I used lots of sun screen
 and wore my new hat!
 I enjoyed watching some beautiful sunsets. 



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